
Vino. Couch. Remote.


RedHeads Lot 7 Shiraz, Australia. This full-bodied, rich red offers a 'smack of oak'. Best enjoyed in front of the fire or cosied up on the couch.


Armageddon. I have to admit... I hadn't watched this 1998 classic the whole way through until now. (Pretty shocking, isn't it?) Although I'm 18 years late, it was worth the wait. Even by today's standards - the effects are impressive, while the storyline and A-list acting keeps you on the edge of your seat (seeking light relief in a glass of red...). In a nutshell: Bruce Willis and his team of deep core drillers race against the clock to destroy an asteroid - the size of Texas - that's heading straight towards Earth. Just your average day in Hollywood.

One of the movie's most memorable scenes is an inspirational Presidential speech (a scene most common in 90s classics!). "I address you tonight, not as the President of the United States, not as the leader of a country, but as a citizen of humanity":

Fancy another inspirational speech from a movie President? Take the stage Bill Pullman.

Vino. Couch. Remote.



Yellow Tail Shiraz 2015, Australia - A spicy, full bodied red with a smooth flavour of ripe red berries and a slight liquorice aroma. While it's a great winter warmer (think steak and a roaring fire) - we drink it year-round as it's L's favourite.



Harry Potter. L didn't read the books before the movies, so I recently bought him the first book and two months on - he's almost at the end of the last one! I salute any author who can write for everyone: from 5-year-olds to 50-year-olds. My favourite scene? It has to be Mrs Weasley's House - The Burrow. It was exactly how I pictured it when reading the books - cluttered but comfortable. It's the people inside that make this one of the homeliest homes in fiction: (Ron: "It's not much, but it's home." Harry: "I think it's brilliant.")

Watching a good movie is best enjoyed alongside a Terry's chocolate orange at Maison Bailey. What are your go-to movie snacks? For some inspiration, check out my Food board on Pinterest.